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AI Show #11

AI Socks, Who's doing AI right, AI rabbits in action!

This is the “general summary” as well as the BAR (boggler assist™ rating) of the interaction.  Fascinating to see what our proprietary behavioral science based algorithms ascertained.  See for yourself.  Amazing…or better yet mind-boggling.  Remember there’s also a complete and thorough professional summary with all the business elements also included with every boggler assist™, we didn't include with this as it perhaps is not as pertinent.

General Summary by boggler assist

Title: Embracing AI Beyond Initial Fascination

Title: The AI Show Podcast #11

Type of Interaction: Informal business conversation

Participants: Sam and Robbie from


- Sam and Robbie recording episode 11 of their AI podcast

- Casual, conversational tone throughout


- Discussed people's first reactions to trying out AI assistants and the importance of "helping" the AI with more context 

- Talked about the shift from AI technology focus to implementation focus and the need for companies to determine ownership and strategy

- Emphasized ongoing education and getting employees excited about AI adoption

- Outlined their 3 service verticals - AI literacy, tools, and facilitated AI

- Described the facilitated AI process of assessing current workflows, redesigning with AI, piloting new processes, reviewing results and impact

- Discussed recent AI advancements like the Anthropic assistant Claude and the portable Rabbit AI device

- Generally bullish on promise and rapid pace of AI progress

Key Quotes & Excerpts:

-"It's not about technology, it's about change - changing the way things are going to happen and they are happening."

-"You're not a big company that can afford a whole separate need to get some champions within your company." 

-"People are oblivious to the obvious."

-"Speed is always going to be some type of benchmark but...did you develop a piece of crap?"

Decisions/Action Items:

- Launching updated version of their Prompt tool this week

- Waiting for app store approval for their Assist tool  

Next Steps:  

- Attending an AI event in Hawaii in a few weeks with 500 business owners

- Continuing to develop their tools and services around AI adoption

Key Takeaways:

- Critical for companies to start developing AI literacy and implementation strategies 

- Ongoing education and building employee excitement is crucial for adoption

- Redbutton positioned to help companies with AI tools, training and implementing AI workflows.

boggler assist™ Rating (BAR) Introduction



Participants: Sam, Robbie

bogglerassist™ Rating (BAR) Introduction

Productivity: 3.8


Sentiment: 4.2  


Productivity and Efficacy Analysis

Communication Effectiveness: 4.0 - Clear exchange of ideas and perspectives. Example: Discussion of how to get employees excited to adopt AI.  

Goal Achievement: 3.5 - Somewhat contributes to goals of educating on AI adoption. Example: Sharing ideas on AI implementation roles.

Collaboration and Engagement: 4.2 - Highly participative back-and-forth conversation. Example: Building on each other's points enthusiastically.   

Actionability: 3.0 - Moderate tangible outcomes proposed. Example: Suggesting companies designate AI champions.

Innovation and Creativity: 4.5 - Creative analogies and approaches suggested. Example: Comparing AI adoption to getting into social media.

Conflict Resolution: N/A - No observable conflict to resolve.

Emotional Intelligence: N/A - Assessed in Sentiment section.

Time Management: 4.0 - Conversation stayed productive and on-topic.  

Information Exchange: 4.2 - Insightful perspectives and ideas shared. Example: Discussion of AI literacy event outcomes.

Decision-Making Quality: 3.5 - Decisions guided by experience. Example: Recommending hands-on experimentation. 

Sentiment and Emotional Analysis

Empathy and Understanding: 4.0 - Effort to see others' viewpoints. Example: Discussing leaders afraid of AI.  

Emotional Expression: 4.5 - Open humor and enthusiasm expressed. Example: Laughing about early AI interactions.

Support and Nurturance: 4.0 - Encouraging and helpful towards each other. Example: Affirming each other's ideas.   

Social Connection: 4.5 - Strong rapport evident. Example: Finishing each other's sentences fluidly. 

Relevance and Context: 3.5 - Most dialogue pertained to AI adoption. Example: Relating points to business contexts.

Active Listening: 4.5 - Built on and extended each other's comments. Example: Expanding on AI implementation roles.

Conflict Empathy: N/A - No observable conflict.  

Constructive Feedback: 4.0 - Positive helpful suggestions made. Example: Advising hands-on AI experimentation.

Inspirational Impact: 3.5 - Moderately motivational for AI adoption. Example: Conveying excitement around AI potential.

Shared Values and Beliefs: 3.0 - Some common perspectives on AI ethics. Example: Discussing responsible AI development.

Final BAR Ratings

Productivity: 3.8


Sentiment: 4.2


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